Saturday, April 18, 2015

When They Don't Tell You Everything

After my last post, I was thinking my cancer was at bay.  This week was my scheduled Oncologist visit, Falsodex and Zometa treatments.  When I told the doctor what had been relayed to me from my GYN, he then asked what radiation treatments and chemotherapy was recommended.  I replied, none.  I could see from his head shakes and demeanor that something was wrong.

One thing my GYN didn't relay was the blood test taken at the Oncologist's office.  She didn't receive the results when we were discussing my MRI results.  Now at the Oncologist office he told me the normal range for ovaries is between 0-35.  My blood test results were a scary high number, too high to share.  My cancer is in my ovary.

Regan, IV Nurse
He began to tell me about chemotherapy.  It would be 8 treatments every three weeks and can't remember the name of medication.  I will lose my hair and become nauseous.  I have been going to my IV infusion treatments with Zometa monthly.  Now these visits will become weekly with blood tests, treatments and doctor appointments.  He also scheduled a PET scan so we would have a base line prior to treatment.  I will have those results next week.

Since I have trouble with my IV, Regan my IV nurse, talked about getting a IV port installed.  It is all so real and unwanted, a place I was hoping not to be.  I am so tired of being poked in my hands because of my deep veins.  I resign myself to having one installed.  I also found out that I will be on Zometa for the rest of my life instead of the 12 treatments mentioned at my first appointments.  Regan said it was like taking your vitamins for your bones.  They could only get approval for 12 months of treatments at a time with health insurance.  Oh boy!

At this point I am scared that I may be at the point of no return which is why they recommended no ovarian surgery.  That question will be asked at my next appointment.  I am thankful that I switched from an HMO to a PPO healthcare plan this year because it would take weeks before getting any testing or chemotherapy treatment approved.

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I have setup a GoFundMe page for donations to help with my medical bills.  Your generosity is humbling and appreciated.

Be genuine, share yourself and have a fabulous day!  Susan (aka SuzzzyGal)

Disclaimer:  I am not a medical professional and any information contained here is an opinion.  Seek advice from a professional. 

1 comment:

  1. Lung cancer often goes unnoticed in its early stages. As the disease develops, a persistent cough develop and chronic cough worsen. include chest pain, shortness of breath, hoarseness, bloody fluid coughed up from the respiratory tract, and frequent bouts of bronchitis or pneumonia. Sometimes the first was bone pain, headaches, dizziness,I was so piss off and tired of my life until i read about Dr Itua herbal medicine on blogspot i really thought it was scam when i first contacted him so little time i think about it and bought the herbal medicine which i took for three weeks and i was totally cured his treatment is so unique,I never thought i will be able to be free from Lung Cancer.But not only this Lung Cancer This great man can cure,Dr Itua also told me he can cure such diseases like... COLORECTAL CANCER, BLADDER CANCER, PROSTATE CANCER, KIDNEY CANCER, LUNG CANCER, SKIN CANCER,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
